ChillsQuote of the Week

"Life is too short to be little."

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

A word paints a thousand pictures

A picture paints a thousand words, as people would commonly say. That’s a veritable statement. A picture can capture a moment of time; it freezes everything into a single frame. With it, emotions, stories, feelings, thoughts et cetera are enraptured.

But what about words? Something we use everyday without fail to communicate with one another. We often take them for granted without really appreciating them. A word has a lot of power, and is no less impotent than a picture.

When we read a book we are looking at words. And as we read, we get mental pictures of the scenes in the story. Somehow it’s like watching a movie, albeit internally and mentally. If I narrate to you a story, you would somehow transform the words into pictures in your head. You’ll start imagining.

Words. They are very simple and straight to the point, while at times they can be ambiguous and ambivalent at the same time or different times. One word isn’t that simple after all, for a word can bring about so many meanings.

They say that a pen is mightier than a sword. How true is that. A sword can puncture and kill, but a pen is different. A pen can put lines into words. Being powerful a tool, words, if used in a malevolent manner, could bring forth unaccounted catastrophe. What’s worse than demise, a sword can ensure. Well, there are many things that are far worse than death. Humiliation, discrimination, mockery and such may be worse of than death itself. Words are the only things that can spark such an emotional strain that death cannot match.

Words, use them wisely, think of what you say. Be mindful. One’s choice of words reflects one’s character and disposition. Say what you mean to say and mean what you say to mean.

Let’s part with an example of a word painting a thousand pictures. Saying that this word evokes some deep feeling and emotion isn’t an exaggeration. Scroll down and use the method from the post to see it. The effect wouldn’t have been as great if it’s clearly visible now would it?



  1. Nice one, Chi Liang. But then, there is a typo in the line "A word has a lot of power, and is no less impotent than a picture." Should be potent or important, I guess :)

  2. Haha. Yeah, I guess you're right. Things like that happen if one doesn't proof read. ;)
