ChillsQuote of the Week

"Life is too short to be little."

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Human Hibernation

Do you think that hibernation, something innate in bears, can be done by humans too?

I think I just did today.

We have the potential to hibernate as well, albeit not as long as our furry friends do. A human scale hibernation would simple mean a dormant stage that lasts longer than a normal sleeping period.

Let’s see. Today I slept a lot. I slept in the morning. I slept in the evening. And after this post is up I’ll be sleeping again.

Sometimes we sleep so much that we start to think if the dream world is our real world and this reality is a dream. I mean, who can really tell? Who knows what reality is?

Anyway, the reason for my quaint sleeping pattern can be traced to my being tired.

It was possible because I ran. I ran for about 1 hour 45 minutes. I ran out of steam, no doubt, all in the name of training.

The run I look forward to is just around the corner. In fact, it’s next week. And man am I underprepared, food and physical wise. I’ll try to make do this week I guess.

Also, I just realized how important it is to prepare for the imminent run. A (quite) strict diet and training regime have to be followed months before the run.

And now I’m like burning the midnight oil. Whatever the outcome may be, I’ll be glad just to return home and have a good hibernation till my body recovers from the abuse.

If you want to sleep well or if you’re experiencing insomnia, I suggest you run. Not running away. But run, as in exercise. It’ll do good for you. Makes you sleep like a bear, I promise.

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