The queue at the escalator
A line was building up before the escalator,
A machine that wasn’t moving as it should,
A figure was at the front of the line of the crowd,
A leader of the bewildered crowd, albeit a slow one.
Today is a Thursday. Boy did I witness something quite unusual today. I was on my way to MidValley Megamall. As I was about to reach the mall, I beheld an unconventional scene, that of people lining up to go up the escalator. How curious.
Looking at the crowd, their eyes were pin-pointing the mid-section of the escalator. There were mixed reaction in the crowd, some looked on with impassive countenance, some were just bewildered.
My eyeballs followed the gaze of these pedestrians and reached their target. Right in front of the line was an old man. On his left hand he held a walking staff; on his right an umbrella. Slowly but surely, he was gaining upon the stalled escalator a step at a time. Both his support systems were lifted at the sides to allow his hands to get hold of the rubbery rail.
The crowd at the back followed patiently. It was as if that old man was leading the pack, to where I could not fathom. But it reminded me of one thing. Life as we know it is now so fast paced. Sometimes it might be a good idea to slow it down a little and really take notice of our surroundings, the people around us, our lives. Life is not only confined to work, the thing that makes us so hectic all day long. Sometimes, it is just as important to smell the flowers along the way.
Enjoy life, for it is short, never ever, and unpredictable.