I have to admit that I’m no longer as fit as I was a month ago. I was totally exhausted on the big, nice, artificial field of ISKL. The long scoring time wasn’t helpful at all. In addition to that, I played futsal in the morning. So you could imagine how I suffered on field. Maybe I should get some rest after futsal next time.
The best thing about Sunday was the indoor ultimate Frisbee, my first ever. The experience was truly wondrous, I tell you. It’s quite different from outdoor Frisbee. Actually, it differs a lot. One can’t play a real huck in indoor Frisbee. One can’t run like the wind to the end zone in indoor Frisbee lest one wants to bang the wall, like the bull that is fooled by the bullfighter.
Anyway, personally, I think that indoor Frisbee is more fast-paced, edgy, and not-so-exhausting compared to outdoor Frisbee. It was more enjoyable thanks to the sophisticated indoor sports complex too. The ground was actually slightly soft and cushiony. I wonder how they made that, considering that it is also used as a basketball court. Weird.
I reckon the experience wouldn’t be as good in other indoor complexes. Once, I ran towards the end zone trying to catch a too-near-the-wall disc. I managed to get hold of the disc, but I slammed into the wall, upper body first. Now don’t panic. The good news is the wall was padded. Cool eh?
Let’s digress from Frisbee for a while. Actually I got another one goal down in my to-do list. I found a part-time job. For now I won’t expound much. Just so if you want to know some spoilers, I’m going to be a promoter! And the item being promoted is a book; but its no ordinary book. Find out more next time.
Night, or rather super pre-dawn, is calling, work aplenty on the morrow.