ChillsQuote of the Week

"Life is too short to be little."

Monday, November 15, 2010

What's next?


Yahoo!! (I wonder whether thats what the founders of felt when they first came up with the company), my holidays have officially started, starting today. After another 4 months of education and 1 week of some extra work, I'm now on a much needed break till next year.

I just came back from a camp yesterday. It was a team building camp held in Lopo Blue River Chalet, organized by Fa-C Team of INTEC UiTM, which is the place I am currently studying in and not to be confused with the main campus of UiTM, also situated in Shah Alam. All in all, the camp was fun, but sadly it rained half of the time, making everybody periodically soaked to the bone. The team went for jungle trekking, ate bamboo chicken (chicken cooked in bamboo), and conducted activities with students of SK Kuala Pomson in Hulu Langat.

Interestingly, most of the people came back heavier from the jungle trekking, firstly because of their drenched clothings, but most importantly because of the blood thirsty leeches. Foul mouthed, rotten little snoggy leeches they are, aahhhh!!!(goes the girls and some of the guys) It was the first time I had seen so many leeches and bloody legs at a time. Fortunately, these bloodsuckers did not manage to taste my flesh, or blood. Muahahahaha. I was one of the lucky few who did not bring back any black and gory creatures of the netherworld. On the second day in camp, I saw a thin and long snake (supposedly ular lidi), making its way along a bridge.

Back to the topic, the first thing that I should get going is my university applications. I should start early because there are many many many forms to print and fill up. But considering that the deadlines are quite far away, I'm taking it light and easy.

Anyway, besides the university applications, now I'm quite free. So, I figure that its the time to get some things done. Let's see my holiday to-do list:

1. Start a blog.
Already started, but the contents are still meagre.

2. Find a part-time job
My pockets are quite empty by now, so its a good time to start putting some "ka-ching" back in my pockets. A great website to find part-time jobs is, a website dedicated to ease potential part timers.

3. Read some books
I have been lagging behind in reading, thanks to my busy semester. Currently reading a classic, check it out in my books page.

4. Win stuff
To win something, I have to join certain contest. Of course, the contest mentioned covers those win a book etc contest that you would normally see in the newspapers and such, not the kind of BIG competitions. Hopefully luck will be by my side in any contest that I'll join. I will touch this topic of contests some other time.

5. Hang out with friends
Time to reconnect with old friends. Come to think of it, it has been a while since I last played futsal, my legs are getting itchy.

6. Play computer games
Ahh, computer games, I have not been playing computer games for a while now. Somehow, after a long separation, the urge is no longer there. Weird. But still, playing games is fun!

7. Go for a holiday
I wonder if the Fa-C Team Building camp counts. Anyway, its been a long time since I last went for a holiday too.

8. Play frisbee
Away from INTEC means away from ultimate frisbee. Sigh, I miss frisbee. Maybe I should just maintain my fitness.

9. Make this list reach 10
Hahahaha. What ingenuity.

10. Shopping
I definitely need to shop for new things, like undergarments(done), badminton shoes, sport shoes(with studs), outing shoes, and maybe shades. Hmm, this endeavor will definitely need some no-strings-attached loan from FAMA (father and mama).

Pheww! What a long list. Some of them are done though, so it should be achievable.

Better start my job-hunting now. Happy holidays peeps!

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